EXCERPT (from the Introduction)
Islamophobia as an Ideological Formation of US Empire
All of this said, Islamophobia is not a political ideology in itself nor is it an isolated dogma just as Islam itself is not a political ideology. Islamophobia does not have a platform or even a political vision. Islamophobia is something more substantive, abstract, sustained, ingrained and prevalent. This book contends that Islamophobia is an ideological formation. This does not mean that it is the purview of any particular political party. Rather, an ideological formation is created by a culture that deploys particular tropes, analyses and beliefs, as facts upon which governmental policies and social practices are framed. This book argues that Islamophobia, in its current form, is a new ideological formation that has taken full expression since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Islamophobia does not originate in one particular administration, thinker, philosopher, activist, media outlet, special interest group, think tank, or even economic sector or industry though indeed, these actors are collectively responsible for the virulent dissemination of anti-Muslim and anti-Arab stereotypes and beliefs, circulated in order to naturalize and justify US global, economic and political hegemony. The Bush administration unabashedly wore its disdain for Muslims and Arabs on its sleeve from the first day of his administration. The subsequent chapters will show that even the Clinton and Obama administrations are rife with Islamophobic paradigms and acts that couple with a similarly imperial American outlook. Indeed, we have witnessed the unprecedented mainstreaming of Islamophobia since 9/11. An extremist flake such as Robert Spencer, for example, has authored two vitriolic, racist screeds on Islam that became New York Times bestsellers while Bruce Bawer’s incendiary and hackneyed The Enemy Within was nominated by the prestigious National Book Critics Circle for the best book of criticism.11
While scholars, activists and community groups as well as projects such as Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting have taken on the ideological hacks and pseudo-intellectuals in the mainstream,12 this book adopts a different tack. Rather than understanding Islamophobia as a series of actions and beliefs that target Muslims and arise from a generic misunderstanding of who Muslims are and what Islam is, it reveals that Islamophobia is an ideological phenomenon which exists to promote political and economic goals, both domestically and abroad. The effects of Islamophobia can be a series of acts institutionalized by the United States government ranging from war to programmatic torture to extrajudicial kidnappings, incarcerations and executions to surveillance and entrapment. The effects of Islamophobia are experienced in the daily lives of Muslims who encounter harassment, discrimination and hate speech in the street, anti-Muslim rants on nationally syndicated television and radio shows, and hate acts such as mosque bombings. These effects, however, will only be understood as scattered albeit tangentially related acts if they are not seen to be located in a complete paradigm or discourse of Islamophobia that permeates American culture and society. For these effects to work in unison with a rhetoric that justifies them, Islamophobia must act concurrently on two levels; the level of thought, speech and perception; then, the material level of policies, violence and action. Therefore, this book is structured by a dual methodology that excavates how Islamophobia operates as a powerful ideological formation that facilitates American Empire. On the one hand, the book anchors its analysis on works by Bernard Lewis and Fareed Zakaria, on “native informants” such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Irshad Manji, and on speeches by presidents Bush and Obama as well as their cabinet members and underlings whose analyses and political philosophies provide the discursive bedrock that naturalizes and justifies Islamophobia as state, foreign, security, economic and energy policy, domestically and abroad.
To streamline the massive, multifaceted ideological edifice of Islamophobia, two similar but competing paradigms of Islamophobia by Bernard Lewis and Fareed Zakaria will be mapped out. As bears repeating, these two are certainly not progenitors of the Islamophobic narratives deployed post 9/11, but arguably their work condenses Islamophobic narratives that have previously circulated and accumulated over the preceding decade. Lewis and Zakaria distilled many Islamophobic tenets into two separate but intersecting Islamophobic discourses that explicitly intend to legitimize the deployment of US political power in the Middle East and the control of its own domestic populations. The talking points within these two versions of Islamophobia are continually repeated throughout the mainstream media, in policy circles, and by native informants (persons of Muslim or Arab descent who are purportedly best placed to lay bare an inside view or critique of Arab/Islamic culture), but more importantly, echo in the speeches of Bush and Obama.
On the other hand, this book will show how these Islamophobic discourses have very real effects. In other words, the words of Islamophobia are the raw materials for the sticks and stones that break Muslim bones. Through engineering, managing, mediating and directing Euro- American hatred and fear of Muslims and Arabs inside the US and globally, new levels of domestic control and surveillance could be achieved. Domestic policies that previously would have been considered unconstitutional, even un-American, could be justified as necessary matters of security and self-preservation. Torture (from water-boarding to extreme isolation of American defendants in the United States), racial profiling, kidnapping and extraordinary renditions, extrajudicial assassinations, freezing habeas corpus, and total war against and occupation of sovereign countries are the effects of the deployment of Islamophobic foils, stereotypes, paradigms and analyses.
This book will examine the violent and not-so-subtle effects of Islamophobia, particularly how attacks on Muslims and Arabs in the US are multipronged. Government organizations and agencies work with the legislature, the Executive and even the judiciary in targeting, profiling and disenfranchising Muslim and Arab Americans of their Constitutional rights. Political interest groups, lobbies and political action committees work with local, state and federal authorities to isolate, intimidate and harass Muslim communities, student organizations, activists, and scholars. Likewise, the media efficiently disseminates overtly anti-Muslim propaganda that demonizes Muslims and Arabs and amplifies mainstream hostility to Islam and its adherents. We will also see how against the backdrop of a sheet of Muslim-hating white noise, extremist acts are committed against Muslims, Arabs and minorities who are mistaken for them.
Indeed, the book is not comprehensive. Unfortunately, the list of anti-Arab and Islamophobic hate acts, speech, activists, legislators and incidents are far too numerous to review. If this book were to name the litany of Islamophobic acts committed by the government, private citizens, public organizations and Hollywood and the media, then it would be a tome-like catalogue of hate. While diligently tracking Arab-hating and Islamophobia is important, this book hopes to crack open the complexities of the ideological formation itself, to understand how it is constructed and organized, and critically observe how it is manifested in American society. For this reason, Islamophobia is defined and examined in terms of discursive archetypes taken in the form of two master-narratives as provided by Lewis and Zakaria. Rather than discuss every Islamophobic rogue pseudo-scholar, political hack, charlatan native informant, opportunist pundit or activist journalist, the works of a handful of Islamophobes serves to define the scaffolding upon which Islamophobic acts and policies are grafted and American foreign and domestic policies find justification.