Incorporated in Atlanta in 1988, Clarity faced a slow and arduous development over its initial decades, due to a lack of resources and its commitment to serve as a completely independent publisher of quality titles illuminating the struggles of the world’s peoples to achieve a happier, better life.
By the end of decade 2000, Clarity achieved a reputation as a publisher of substance on justice issues. Clarity titles have received support from a wide diversity of constituencies, both national and international, secular and religious, academic, institutional and activist, through endorsements, and utilization for public education and advocacy purposes.
Clarity titles have appeared on course lists of universities and colleges in all regions of America, won major human rights awards, been well-reviewed in mainstream and alternative journals, endorsed by respected thinkers in their areas, and accepted for translation by major or independent foreign publishers into numerous languages.
Clarity publishes some of the most respected social justice critics of our day.
Well-known public figures have lent their good names to specific titles by way of blurbs, reviews or forewords. These include former high UN officials (presidents of UN General Assembly, UN Commissioners of Human Rights, UN Special rapporteurs on Torture, Democracy, the Middle East), former government officials, Pulitzer and Nobel Peace Prize winners, and Hollywood and other activist icons.
Clarity is committed to international legal standards on justice issues, seeing in international human rights law a unique combination of positive law and universal ideals which serve to promote, guide and legitimize the efforts of individuals, groups, peoples and states worldwide on behalf of political freedom, collective justice, global peace, and human-centered development.
All human beings, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, gender or language, have been endowed with these rights, simply by virtue of having been born human.
Whatever the shortcomings of the United Nations or its various institutions as presently structured, enabling powerful actors to negatively influence UN undertakings, the creation of international human rights treaties merits widespread public recognition as the truly momentous human achievement that it is: the official, legal acceptance by most of the world’s states of a steadily expanding corpus of ethical principles governing their conduct in relation to their citizens, to domestic groups, and to other states.
In 1995, an International Advisory Board of distinguished scholars and activists was established to contribute to the further expansion of the editorial line. Its present members are:
Dr. Heba Raouf Ezzat (Egypt)
Chandra Muzzafar (Malaysia)
Dr. Jan Nederveen Pieterse (USA)
Dr. Robert C. Smith (USA)
Dr. Joseph Wronka (USA)
Diana G. Collier, Editorial Director
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- author bio
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