
Patrick Lawrence
Patrick Lawrence is an author, essayist, and lecturer. he has written for numerous publications, from the Guardian (US ), the New York Times, The New Yorker, and The Christian Science Monitor to the International Herald Tribune and the Far Eastern Economic Review. His foreign affairs and media commentary has appeared in a variety of publications such as Salon, CounterPunch, The Nation, Raritan, Consortium News, ScheerPost, Current Concerns, Horizons et débats, and Zeit–Fragen. His previous books include Japan: A Reinterpretation (Pantheon; NYT Notable Book, Overseas Press Club Award), Somebody Else’s Century: East and West in a Post–Western World (Pantheon; a Globalist Top 10 Book), and Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century (Yale; a Globalist Top 10 Book, L.A. Book Festival, honorable mention).