
N. Malathy
N. Malathy is member of the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora and a naturalised New Zealand citizen who has lived in New Zealand for four decades. She holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, where she has worked as an analyst and programmer. She has written extensively on the human rights situation in Sri Lanka and also translated a short novel set in the Vanni context which has been accepted for publication by Penguin India. She spent four years in Sri Lanka, in the Vanni District under the control of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE), from 2005 till 2009, a period marked by the gradual weakening of the 2002 Norwegian brokered ceasefire, which eventually led to the brutal war in which LTTE was defeated and its leadership killed or imprisoned. During this period she worked in many institutions, including a human rights body, a women’s organization, and an orphanage. Her experiences spanned working with LTTE to release child soldiers, preparing documentation for peace talks for the same body, documenting human rights violations by the Sri Lankan military and working on a project to raise awareness of domestic violence.
Radha d’Souza (LLB (University of Mumbai) and PhD (Geography and Law, University of Auckland). practiced as a barrister in the High Court of Bombay and taught at the Universities of Auckland and Waikato in New Zealand and presently teaches Public International Law and Development at the University of Westminster