STATES OF EMERGENCY: Keeping the Global Population in Check


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“Kees van der Pijl, an author of distinction, writes that the global ruling class or oligarchy used Covid-19 to seize power by declaring a state of global emergency. He explains that the Information Technology revolution, by creating a global information and communication system, was ushering in a social transformation inimical to the oligarchy’s hegemony over society. In order to stop this transformation, the global elite used lockdowns, mandates, censorship and controlled narratives to seize control over populations… Van der Pijl makes a cogent argument. He shows that the ‘pandemic’ is a political emergency, not a medical one. Its purpose was to suppress populations and transition to an authoritarian state and social structure…”  PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS

“This is a work of genuine scholarship of the highest order, and to read it closely and with an open  mind one can’t help but be convinced of its essential truth… This book should be read by anyone who cares about our world.  It is brilliant and extremely timely.” EDWARD CURTIN, author of Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies

“In this urgent new study, veteran international relations scholar Kees van der Pijl shows how the ruling groups exploited the covid-19 virus to impose a worldwide state of emergency and a psychosis of fear that allowed them to extend their power and control at a time when global capitalism is beset by crisis.  Brilliantly researched, impeccably sourced, the story is told in an engaging style and with great analytical acuity.  Here is a dire warning against the slide into authoritarianism to contain the revolt of restive populations who can take no more deprivation.  It must be read by the broadest possible public.” WILLIAM I. ROBINSON, Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Global and International Studies, University of California-Santa Barbara

““This book is a brilliant and comprehensive analysis of the Covid-19 crisis and the worldwide states of siege instituted under its cover.” PARADIGM EXPLORER

“The Covid-19 event is fast shaping up to be a deception of epic proportions, whereby a constellation of powerful actors exploit events in order to usher through profound political and economic changes. More than ever, people are waking up to the fact that this is not about a virus… Derailing these nefarious agendas is without doubt the most urgent task facing humanity today and States of Emergency provides a powerful, thought provoking and critical starting point on the road to awareness and resistance.” DR. PIERS ROBINSON, Organisation for Propaganda Studies

Kees van der Pijl goes further than most in addressing our current concerns and circumstances, but perhaps even that isn’t far enough to capture the pure evil that confronts humanity today.”
CYNTHIA McKINNEY, former Congresswoman and Green Party Candidate for President, most recently editor of When China Sneezes:  From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis



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This book contends that since the financial collapse of 2008, populations in many countries have become restive in the face of extreme inequality and diminishing life chances. In a digital economy, one to two billion people will soon be superfluous, but they are not likely to remain sitting on their hands; in many parts of the world their resistance has begun. The Western capitalist elites have lost the capacity to engage their respective peoples in an equitable social contract and have resorted to stoking fear — from the terrorism scare and the Russian threat to the COVID infliction, with more variants coming on line — as a formula for curtailing protest and maintaining power.

It analyzes the social forces driving this process: the US national security state and its intelligence apparatus, the IT giants spun off from it, and the large media conglomerates that have joined forces to create a comprehensive surveillance system of Orwellian dimensions The production of disease threats is amplified by the Gates Foundation and other public international organizations including the WHO, along with the pharmaceutical industries, foresee unprecedented profit in plans to inoculate the world population with experimental gene therapies sold as vaccines. Ideas on using a pandemic to initiate a worldwide state of siege have matured until the need for collective intervention — the threat of a new financial meltdown and the need to remove Trump — prompted global elites to seize the day.

The virus threat may not be an idle one, given the Pentagon’s biowarfare infrastructure which for decades has been producing gain-of-function viruses in laboratories the world over, as have a wide range of countries.

The book is the first to offer an extensively documented, comprehensive analysis of all aspects of this real and embellished threat that is already ushering in a global transformation. Yet it ends on a note of hope, arguing that the very IT revolution that enabled the siege holds out the promise of a deepening democracy as the global public surges past the gatekeepers, online and off.

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EBOOK – Epub and Kindle, paper, PDF



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Year of Publication



Kees van der Pijl


5 reviews for STATES OF EMERGENCY: Keeping the Global Population in Check


    “The Covid-19 event is fast shaping up to be a deception of epic proportions, whereby a constellation of powerful actors exploit events in order to usher through profound political and economic changes. More than ever, people are waking up to the fact that this is not about a virus.

    For van der Pijl, explanations are rooted in a ‘biopolitical seizure of power’ in which an intelligence-IT-media complex has crystallized as a new class block seeking to quell growing unrest and the strengthening of progressive social movements throughout the world. These trends have accelerated since the financial crash of 2008 but threatened to reach new levels with the imminent crisis in the US repo market during Autumn 2019. The tentacles of this new class block reach into global organisations such as the World Health Organisation as well as the governments of the most powerful nations on earth.

    Under the cover of Covid-19, and via ruthless exploitation of people’s fear of a virus, van der Pijl lucidly traces how this new class block is attempting to impose control via high-tech digitised societies involving mandatory injections and digital ID, as well as censorship and manipulation of public spheres. In short, a total surveillance society involving massive concentration of power and the end of democracy.

    But the outcome remains far from certain and, as van der Pijl perceptively observes, much depends upon the ability of populations to understand the political and economic forces they are up against, as well as to organise and resist. Derailing these nefarious agendas is without doubt the most urgent task facing humanity today and States of Emergency provides a powerful, thought provoking and critical starting point on the road to awareness and resistance.”
    DR. PIERS ROBINSON, Co-director, Organization for Propaganda Studies


    “Kees van der Pijl, an author of distinction, writes that the global ruling class or oligarchy used Covid-19 to seize power by declaring a state of global emergency. He explains that the Information Technology revolution, by creating a global information and communication system, was ushering in a social transformation inimical to the oligarchy’s hegemony over society. In order to stop this transformation, the global elite used lockdowns, mandates, censorship and controlled narratives to seize control over populations… Van der Pijl makes a cogent argument. He shows that the ‘pandemic’ is a political emergency, not a medical one. Its purpose was to suppress populations and transition to an authoritarian state and social structure…” PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS


    “Professor Kees van der Pijl explains how the virus crisis is a fraud and cover for political seizure of power. The medical emergency is just a pretext for digital identity passport systems. He discusses the players behind this ruling oligarchy whose concentration is unprecedented in history. Elites are using a strategy of tension to subjugate an otherwise unruly global populace which has been on the verge of 1848-style revolution. The medical phase of the coup can turn toward war (e.g. Russia) as another means of consolidating rule. The ruling class believes they have a small window of time to cement their power on the heels of the historic AI revolution. He explains the mechanisms by which the oligarchy is able to impose worldwide regulatory processes on entire continents and how China is cooperating in this ‘ultra-imperialism’ with the West. He’s optimistic that the political project can’t go on for much longer, will fall apart, and that they do not yet possess the technology required to roll out a total digital control system. A core group of society is also increasingly rejecting their insane vision of the future.” GEOPOLITICS & EMPIRE


    “This book is a brilliant and comprehensive analysis of the Covid-19 crisis and the worldwide states of siege instituted under its cover. Reading it, one cannot help but shake one’s head in outrage at the long planned nature of the wealthy global elite’s seizure of power under the guise of a germ emergency and the revolutionary crisis it has created… Meticulously sourced and noted, this is a work of genuine scholarship of the highest order.” PARADIGM EXPLORER


    “While Van der Pijl sailes close to a wind that sober academics might find implausible, or even fantastic, the bibliographic backdrop to this book should pause that immediate response. Similarly, the somewhat immoderate modulations in his prose ought not to give us an excuse to dismiss any unpleasant implications in what turns out to be a sustained analytical expose.” JOHN WELSH, Population Studies

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