Home Front reports the widespread effects of the government’s weapons, medicines and bureaucracies of mass destruction: the use of vaccines that have led to mysterious deaths among both troops and civilians, and the likely emergence of Gulf War II Illness, a cocktail of ailments similar to Gulf War I Illness––the modern day version of Vietnam’s Agent Orange. It details the health and medical issues facing American military personnel and veterans, and investigates the military/bureaucratic politicking behind them. It includes comprehensive documentation from the CDC, VA, and Pentagon to explain the illnesses, syndromes and symptoms, and provides insight into veterans’ battles over medical services, intractable policy, and VA hospital conditions. Public and classified military experiments are detailed along with the “friendly fire” effects of anthrax vaccine and depleted uranium.
For every service member killed in Iraq, 15 others have fallen ill, and 4,500 have been returned to the U.S. for medical treatment. Why? In crisp, clear, compelling writing, a prize-winning journalist examines the health and medical issues–with detailed individual examples–facing American military personnel and veterans, and investigates the military/bureaucratic politicking behind them, with:
– comprehensive documentation from the CDC, VA, Pentagon
– historical, war-by-war overview of the issues
– comprehensive list of illnesses, syndromes and symptoms
– veterans’ battles over medical services and policy
– analysis of military hospitals and services
– public and classified military experiments
– discussions of anthrax vaccine and depleted uranium
– analysis of the high suicide, alcoholism and homicide rates in the in military.
Sunday Seattle Times –
“His exposé deserves a wide audience.” — Sunday Seattle Times
Seattle Post-Intelligencer –
“A searing indictment of the care and treatment of America’s veterans” — Seattle Post-Intelligencer
WUSB radio, New York –
“”A book that should be read by every school kid in America.” — WUSB radio, New York